3 Takeaways: Why Medicaid Expansion Makes Sense
Jul 05, 2020 | News & Events,

Health insurance and healthcare policies are quickly becoming an essential part of daily life in America. With the cost of living rising along with medical spending costs, people can no longer afford to be uninsured. Health insurance policies have in turn become diversified and more accessible so that they are more suitable for a variety of individuals. An example of this is people who may use a service that enables them to potentially pray for health for not just themselves but their community who also use the same healthcare. Some companies also offer different payment options to match people’s preferences. Here it will be discussed how localized health programs can assist people in need.
1. Missouri’s Medicaid program provides health insurance for low-income children and their parents, pregnant women, seniors, and the disabled. A family of four must earn $5,550 or less per year to qualify. Single adults aren’t eligible. Many artists are among those who make too much to qualify but not enough to get affordable health insurance. Expansion would close the gap because individuals who makes up to $18,000 would be newly eligible. With expansion, approximately 230,000 additional adults, including many who are now unemployed, would have access to health care.
2. Expansion makes economic sense for Missouri. It would bring taxpayer dollars back home because the federal government would pay 90 percent of the cost. Expansion would also create good-paying jobs and keep rural hospitals open.
3. Medicaid expansion will be on the August 4 primary ballot. The voter registration deadline is July 8. You can register online, check on your current registration status, or change your address on the Missouri Secretary of State’s website. You can also learn about casting an absentee ballot.
Missouri Foundation for Health Medicaid Expansion FAQs
Missouri Foundation for Health Expansion social media kit
Missouri Secretary of State voter registration info and absentee voting info
Medicaid Expansion is an Arts Advocacy Issue (VLAA)
Why Medicaid Expansion Makes Sense for Missouri was presented via Zoom on July 1, 2020. Thanks to our speaker, Nancy Kelley, Strategic Initiatives Lead, Missouri Foundation for Health.