Grants to Support Arts Engagement and Learning
Jan 27, 2025 | News & Events,

The East St. Louis Regional Arts Partners (RAP) grant program, previously known as the Community Arts Access program, awards grants to local cultural organizations and nonprofits offering arts programming. Schools and individual artists are also eligible for funding. The RAP program is made possible by funding from the Illinois Arts Council (IAC), and the program is managed by St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts (VLAA). The Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation was IAC’s regranting program partner from 2020 to 2024.
The RAP program seeks to provide East St. Louis residents with more opportunities to participate in quality visual, literary, and performing arts experiences. Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various arts disciplines, the creation of art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life.
An East RAP project may consist of one or more specific events or activities performed or presented to engage or benefit the residents of greater East St. Louis. The projects may be a new initiative or part of the applicant’s regular season or activities.
The East St. Louis RAP program has a total of $15,000 in grant dollars to distribute in 2025. Maximum grant awards are expected to be no more than $1,500 per project. Note: the 10% cash match is no longer required.
The application deadline is March 11, 2025. Find the online application form.
For questions or technical support related to the grant application, please contact [email protected].
Feb 18 Optional Virtual Application Writing Workshop, 5:30 PM. Request the Zoom link by sending an email to [email protected].
March 4 Optional Courtesy Review (project description) deadline
March 11 Applications due by 5:00 PM. Late applications will not be accepted.
April 8 Contracts issued
April 15 Signed contract due back to VLAA
May 1 Funds Available
August 31 Project Completion Date
Sept. 12 Final Report Deadline
Applications must be submitted using the online form. The application deadline is March 11, 2025. For questions or technical support related to the grant application, please contact [email protected].
Funding Priorities
• Supporting the quality, quantity and visibility of the arts in the greater East St. Louis community
• Increasing access to the arts for underserved populations
• Elevating artists as integral and essential to a healthy and vibrant community
Eligibility and Policies
• Nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations must be in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State.
• Individual practicing artists and collectives may apply for community-based projects that are open to the general public.
• K-12 schools and school-affiliated organizations may apply for after-school or summer arts programs that involve paid professional artists working with a target group of learners.
• Programs must take place in greater East St. Louis.
• Programs must begin no earlier than May 1, 2025 and be completed by August 31, 20245.
• East St. Louis RAP grant funds must be used for arts programming or project costs. Funds cannot be used for capital expenditures; permanent equipment; private events that are closed to the general public; fundraising events; projects that serve only congregations of a religious organization; scholarships; programs already directly funded by the Illinois Arts Council or the National Endowment for the Arts; deficit or debt reduction; and/or projects completed or in process before May 1, 2025.
• Proposals must be submitted using the online form. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
• Applicants may apply for only one East St. Louis RAP grant per year.
• Funded applicants that fail to return a complete and correct grant agreement within 30 days of the date on the award letter will have their grant recommendation rescinded.
• Grant recipients must credit IAC in all promotional material and public notices.
• Grantees will be required to complete and submit a final report no later than September 12, 2025. Failure to submit this report will be reported to the 2026 application review panel and could jeopardize future funding.
Evaluation Criteria
• Clarity of the program description
• Commitment to creativity, artistic excellence and community engagement
• Involvement of paid local artists
• Consistency of the proposed program with the mission of the applying organization, if applicable
• A feasible and balanced budget
• Evidence that the applicant is part of the East St. Louis community fabric
• Plan for raising the required matching funds
• Plan for effective promotion and publicity
• Completeness of the application
About IAC
The mission of the Illinois Arts Council (IAC) is to build a strong, creative, and connected Illinois through the arts. IAC serves the people of Illinois through a variety of grant programs and special initiatives meant to: support Illinois’ arts sector, advance arts education and foster creativity and the work of individual artists. Resources to support the Illinois Arts Council are provided by the Governor and General Assembly of Illinois and the National Endowment for the Arts.